Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday 16th Sept'09.
We set out to do the Silvermine N. dam - Nordhook Peak
- Panarama - Elephants Eye route. It was a very wet day
with low cloud on the hills and so we had to do a simple
circuit of 2 hours duration. A good turnout for such a wet day.
An indication that we all feel in need of the exercise I think.

It was as bleak as it looks here.
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Colin said...

That walk always used to attract the rain! Nice to see that Graham's rainwear has been phased out!

Keep walking,


Colin said...

That walk always used to attract the rain! Nice to see that Graham's rainwear has been phased out!

Keep walking,


Colin said...

That walk always used to attract the rain! Nice to see that Graham's rainwear has been phased out!

Keep walking,
