Monday, October 12, 2015

Another one from Les Salo - This picture was taken on the lower slopes of Lions Head on Wednesday 7October 2015, overlooking Sea Point.
CHINCHERINCHEE (Afrikaans Tjienk ) Ornithogalum Thyrsoides (Hyacinth Family )

Friday, October 09, 2015

Cats Claws at Slangkop.

I took this pic on 09 09 2015 in the Slangkop Nature Reserve, 
Kommetjie during our hike there on that day.

Cat's Claws. Katnaels. Syobanche Sanguinea (Boomrape family).
A leafless root-parasite with a tubular stalk. Rare - found only in a few
locations. It is quite spectacular, especially its size - click & zoom in on it.

Ref Book: Common WILD FLOWERS of Table Mountain. Clarke & Mackenzie

Enjoy  - Les Salo